Today was the southern solstice—the longest day of the year in Antarctica. Suiting that longest day would be a full day of many varied activities. The morning started with a Zodiac cruise around Brown Bluff. Besides the wonderful views of the bluff itself, there is a large colony of Adélie penguins to see. Afterward, National Geographic Explorer set sail into the Weddell Sea in hopes of visiting and landing at, Devil Island. But along the way we realized our sister ship, National Geographic Orion was nearby, and we decided to swing by and say hello. The heavy ice conditions that the Weddell Sea is known for were kind to us and we were able to reach Devil Island. Upon landing, we went hiking and visited another Adélie penguin colony. Any normal day this would have been a full day, but in honor of the longest day, we decided that after dinner we would park Explorer in fast ice and enjoy some hiking on the ice.