Today’s adventure is taking place in another different location. By the morning all explorers on board are packing their gear to disembark early on Bartolomé Island. This small island is a great example of young volcanic locations where age has not changed the beauty of volcanism—it’s a great example of how the islands look when they are just formed. We walk first along an ashen path, protected with a boardwalk to avoid erosion, taking us to the summit of the island where the exceptional view enables us to see the surroundings of the place. The magnificent natural composition impresses each of the explorers as they make their way up to the top of the island.

After the walk, on the way back to the ship, we are surprised by a large pod of bottlenose dolphins willing to play close to the Zodiacs. They take our breath away for a minute—all this happened in what is already an incredible morning, that seems endless with surprises.

After breakfast we are boarding the Zodiacs to disembark at the beach to go snorkeling but we stumble into the large pod of dolphins that change our plans momentarily. Using this great opportunity we decide to go swimming and snorkeling with them. The dolphins play around the explorers, providing an experience hard to match by anything previously scheduled, and after that we finally go snorkeling around Pinnacle Rock.

Back to the ship by noon, we prepare our navigation to the next destination for the afternoon, where the plan is to begin with aquatic explorations. The weather is fantastic and the water warm enough, so the groups are organized and by three in the afternoon we have Zodiacs along the coast of Sombrero Chino. We start the next part of the expedition snorkeling with sharks and penguins, which became the highlight of the afternoon. We then end with a great Zodiac ride and incredible sunset.