Today we woke up for an early walk uphill to the top of Bartolome, a satellite islet of Santiago Island. This relatively young island is an opportune place to appreciate local geological expressions, like tuff and spatter cones, and young basaltic flows. The presence of pioneer plants including Tiquilia nesiotica and the lava cactus makes Bartolome a prime destination where travelers may understand the inception of life in Galapagos after the first plants established among the newer islands of the archipelago.

After a great talk in the afternoon about the mechanics and art of wildlife photography, some guests decided to go kayaking, while others opted for snorkeling along the coast of Rábida Island. No shortage of leisure here. Our group had the extended opportunity to swim with Galapagos sea lions and many species of fish. We ended the day with a walk in Rabida, where we took in the wonderful Galapagos landscape with the company of sea lions basking in the distance of the island’s sandy coastline.