Our journey continues within this “world among itself” as it has been described. An early hike to the top of Bartolome Island brings us to an incredible sunrise and a view of more than 25 islands in the distance. Bartolome does not have much in terms of wildlife and vegetation, however it does show the tumultuous geological past with spatter and cinder cones littering the island along with solidified lava tubes running done the slopes like veins. A few pioneer plant species are found here trying to take hold and produce soil for the next wave of species that may never arrive to this arid island. Upon our return to our home, the National Geographic Islander, we obtain our snorkeling equipment for a chance to explore the undersea world. After landing on a fine sand beach we proceed to enter the water and encounter large schools of Razor surgeon fish, blennies, flounders, and a colorful wall filled with invertebrates.  This has been a great introduction to one of our mid-age islands as we continue west towards Rabida Island. 

The afternoon brings us to an otherworldly area as we anchor off of Rabida Island. The highlands of this island are grey with arid vegetation coming to the coast with a fringe zone of green turning to bright red at the exposed volcanic terrain.  This is the only island of this color in Galapagos, containing an incredibly high content of iron oxide evenly distributed. Deep water snorkelers are treated to Galapagos sea lions and fur seals swimming among them as a Pacific green sea turtle gracefully drifts by. Kayakers paddle along the coast and find Galapagos hawks far above, hovering on the updrafts of wind from the coast. We all coalesce at the red beach to have a late afternoon walk and some are treated to a vermilion flycatcher going about its search for insects. Behind our landing beach there is a small brackish pond that is an occasional stopover for Greater flamingos and one is spotted feeding in the shallows. As we return to the main beach we weave among the sea lions, taking their rest time seriously. Our day ends with the sun dipping below the clouds and over Isabela Island, our next destination on this journey into the incredible.