Today was a very intense day from sunrise to sunset. Galapagos is located right at the Equatorial line, and that is the reason we have 12 hours of sunlight every day in this Oceanic Archipelago.

We started our activities right after sunrise with a walk to the top of Bartolomé Island. This was a very interesting hike because we climbed 500 hundred feet above sea level. Along the way we spotted a few endemic plants such as: Tiquilia sp, Spurred chamaesyce, Lava cactus and Scalecias affinis, these plants are the main food source for lizards, Darwin finches and Galapagos doves. Once we got to the top the view was majestic, we saw over twenty Islands in the distance around Bartolomé. We even disembarked at one of its beaches for snorkeling and glass bottom boating. The morning activity at this location couldn’t have been better with sharks, penguins, rays, sea lions, boobies, pelicans and perfect weather to make our morning experience unforgettable.

We continued our afternoon on another small Island known as Chinese Hat. We offered two activities for the afternoon, a Zodiac ride to explore the coast line of Santiago Island and snorkeling at the same location. Both activities were a success because snorkelers and Zodiac riders were very happy for their amazing day in contact with friendly Galapagos animals and lovely warm waters. 

The waters from Galapagos are just cooling off a bit, and that is a good thing because sea birds seem to be preparing for breeding in a few weeks’ time. The conditions in this enchanted archipelago are going to be different, with lots of fish, which is the main food source for marine creatures.

We finished our day with a BBQ on the outer decks under a starry night.