After a beautiful gourmet dinner last night, we were all rocked to sleep by the gentle movement of the Timor Sea. At 3 a.m. most of us awoke as the ship made clear sounds that we had arrived in Com for our technical stop. While we went back to sleep, our expedition staff went shopping for us during this ungodly hour and brought back some beautiful Indonesian textiles and handbags, which were displayed and for sale in the Global Gallery. It was greatly appreciated by everyone, as now we had a chance to buy a souvenir without even having landed.

Today we had another great line-up of presentations straight after breakfast. Anthony Capogreco started things off with his presentation “Marine Mammals of the Kimberley.” He gave us great insight into some of the beautiful marine mammals living along our Kimberley Coast and their breeding and feeding behaviors.

At 11 a.m. our croc expert Adam Britton gave a fascinating presentation about the technology used to study ancient reptiles, with a focus on our crocodiles. During this very unique presentation, he shared with us many interesting facts we had no idea about. In between presentations, we relaxed, read a book, socialized with fellow travelers, went through photos, or enjoyed watching ocean life go by on the outdoor decks.

After another delicious lunch prepared by the Galley Team, Cristiana Damiano invited us into the lounge for her groundbreaking lecture about climate change, a topic that always sparks conversation and raises a lot of important questions. Susan Seubert, our National Geographic photographer, finished off our lecture program with her presentation “Searching for Light.” Susan shared with us some amazing photographs she made during assignments and she explained some of the techniques she uses to turn ordinary photos into extraordinary photos by seeking out the perfect light.

As this was sadly our last day of the voyage, Captain Brian Larcombe invited us for a Farewell Cocktail Party in the lounge to celebrate the great experiences we have shared and the beautiful memories we will take home with us. While enjoying a glass of wine or champagne, we watched the fantastic slideshow David Cothran had put together for us.

It has truly been a memorable journey.