Early this morning National Geographic Orion cruised northward through the Bransfield Strait, heading for an area off the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula called Antarctic Sound. The weather was a bit windy, but sunny and warm as we cruised past a number of large icebergs, including one very large tabular berg! One of these floating giants held a little extra treat, a small mixed group of Gentoo and Adelie penguins hitching a ride, and taking a short rest from their foraging for food. The Captain was kind enough to slow down and turn the National Geographic Orion, edge in closer for a good look, and maybe a photo or two! Soon we were on our way again enjoying the marvelous weather and fantastic scenery.

As lunch approached we entered an area between two islands just of the tip of the Peninsula, Dundee and Joinville, called Active Sound, hoping to find some “fast” ice for a possible afternoon excursion. We were not disappointed, and right after lunch the Captain took us steaming into the ice till we slowed and stopped, put out the gangway, and spent an amazing afternoon walking around on sea ice with the seals and Adelie penguins. Truly an amazing experience on a picture perfect day! One of the highlights during our time on the ice was having your picture taken in front of the National Geographic Orion, just with the ship, or pretending to pull the ship through the ice with a bow line. Great fun!

Soon it was time to leave and head for a landing site close by on the Peninsula called Brown Bluff. This is a very large Adelie penguin colony, with a much smaller number Gentoos nesting as well. The trouble was that we barely got going before the bridge spotted two very large baleen whales, and maneuvered for a closer look. After much debate, the staff decided that at least one was a blue whale, the largest creature to ever live, and a very rare sighting indeed!

It was finally time for an early dinner, and for our dessert, it was an evening landing at Brown Bluff with the friendly resident penguins. An amazing way to end a great day, before we headed off to Elephant Island!