There are very diverse facets to exploring the Amazon Basin. We have the natural history elements and the cultural elements as well. Today we had the special privilege to visit the town of Amazonas. This is a place where a program targeted towards rural communities in the Peruvian Amazon called Minga Peru has influence individuals, and subsequently the community, in an incredibly positive manner. The goal of this non-profit organization is to promote social justice and human dignity, primarily, but not exclusively, for women and children. 

We made efficient use of our time as we were given an informal presentation on the plants and dyes used to create locally made beautiful and intricate basketry as well as experiencing the exuberance of a kindergarten class where we exchanged songs. Before closing our visit, we sat down and had a more formalized presentation by several residents. These men and women have attended workshops given by Minga Peru and have become leaders, referred to as “promoters” in their community, sharing and dispersing what they have learned to assist in making the community stronger as a whole. The program covers not only leadership training but natural resource management as well. We ended our visit with a little retail therapy, supporting the artisans of the community while taking home a special memento of our experience in Amazonas. 

For the afternoon we explored the natural history elements, choosing either a skiff ride or a kayak opportunity. While thunderheads built up dramatic formations to the west, we enjoyed the riverside sights and sounds of squirrel monkeys, scarlet macaws, prattling kingfishers, and the surprise and ensuing scuffle of an errant fish occasionally jumping into the boats.  

The diversity of life has amazed us for yet another day as we continue our exploration of life in the upper Amazon basin.