During our exploration of the upper Amazon, we have experienced a magic combination of wildlife. Today we had a marvelous taste of it at two of the most magical places of the area.

In the morning we visited a natural treasure: The Amazon Natural Park. Ever since we arrived, a display of magnificent trees decorated the jungle making us feel like we were inside a plant paradise.  Farther along the trail, the symphony of birds combined with insect sounds created a beautiful sonata.

The presence of a canopy trail allowed us to explore the upper part of the vegetation, so that we were able to experience another level of the rainforest.  At the end of the visit, we enjoyed the experience of meeting the native people of this area, and they showed us about all of the different products that they manufacture with such creativity.

Once back we were all back onboard Delfin II, we started our navigation to the next destination: Nauta Caño.  Our first excursion here was a very comfortable skiff ride upstream, where the presence of yellow-billed terns, which where fishing on the riverside, tested our photography skills.

The landscape decorated with tall secropia trees is a perfect home for different kinds of Amazon birds that are found in the area:  Black collared hawks, great egrets, lesser kiskadees, and Amazon king fishers, were only a few of the marvels that the Amazon basin had in store for us during the afternoon.

As an alternative to the skiff ride, we offered a kayaking opportunity.  We were fortunate enough to encounter several common squirrel monkeys—a perfect ending to today’s expedition.  A marvelous sunset appeared behind the tall trees of the forest as we headed back to our ship. Tomorrow, our Amazon adventure continues at this living paradise.