Steve Blamires
Steve Blamires is from the West of Scotland where the Gaelic language and Celtic culture are still strong but for the past 25 years, he has traveled the world on expedition ships. He is a historian with a passion for the Polar regions, especially Antarctica, but enjoys travel anywhere ships may take him. Often you will find him leading expeditions in his native Scotland, or driving zodiacs in Scandinavia, Iceland, Green land, South America or even the Mediterranean. So far, he has visited over 70 countries and circumnavigated the planet.
His thirteen years working as a fraud detective for the Scottish government have given him a critical eye and unique perspective on events and people in history who are important but often overlooked by many other historians. This has helped him shape historical and cultural presentations which are informative, relevant, and often from a unique perspective.
When he is not on the High Seas, he lives with his wife Jennifer and two cats in the Hudson Valley, NY. He hosts his own radio show of Celtic and European folk music and is on the board of directors of The American Center for Folk Music.