Salvador Cazar
Salvador Cazar studied biology at the Universidad Nacional Del Sur, Bahía Blanca, in Argentina and at the Catholic University of Ecuador. Between 1988 and 1994, Salvador worked as a naturalist and tour leader for several national and international tour operators, leading groups of visitors across the Ecuadorian rain forest, Andean forest, and to Galapagos.
From 1995 to 2011, he performed a number of functions at the public and private level for national and international organizations. Among others, he acted as the regional coordinator of the Feasibility Study for the Environmental Management Program for the Galápagos Islands financed by the Inter-American Development Bank; coordinator of the Ecuadorian Permanent Commission for the Galápagos Islands; consultant for the Project "Support to the Global Management Plan for Tourism Development and Ecological Conservation of Galápagos National Park and Galapagos Marine Reserve" funded by the UNDP; executive director of the Ecuadorian Association of Ecotourism; instructor of environmental interpretation for the Galápagos National Park and KAPAWI Ecolodge & Reserve; coordinator of the Sustainable Tourism Program of Fundación ESQUEL–Ecuador; Conservation International–Ecuador sustainable tourism specialist; and Conservation International–Ecuador socio economic coordinator.
At the moment, Salvador is working as a naturalist taking groups of visitors across Galápagos and continental Ecuador and providing technical assistance on different aspects of responsible travel to NGO´s, government organizations and businesses.