Assistant Expedition Leader

Patrycja O'Brien

Patrycja O’Brien was born and raised in Poland, when the borders during the communist time where still closed and travelling was only a dream that could never come true. So following her interests in biology and biochemistry she earned a Master’s degree in biotechnology and also studied languages, fitness and dance. As soon as the times had changed, she completely changed her life, leaving an established carrier in logistics management of a big international company to pursue her travel inspirations, which found her working for a few different travel companies. She lived in Egypt, Cuba and finally southern Spain. It was there that she joined Lindblad Expeditions – National Geographic as assistant expedition leader on Mediterranean and Caribbean sailing voyages in 2008. She likes scuba diving and her biggest interests are whales and dolphins so in her free time between contracts she used to work as a whale-watching guide in Baja California in Mexico.

Today she continues using her language, logistics and social skills aboard the magnificent sailing yacht Sea Cloud, as well as leading groups in Cambodia and Vietnam.  In her free time she enjoys the friendly and flavorful lifestyle of southern Spain with her husband and her adventurous dog Mika.