Claire Dal Nogare
Claire is a proud Alaskan transplant. It was the hardiness of these frontiersmen that motivated her to become a pilot and commercial fisherman. When not in Alaska, she generally follows the Arctic tern's migration route from one polar region to another. While not quite as impressive as migratory birds, human powered long-distance travel is one of her passions. Claire has hiked the Pacific Crest Trail, Appalachian Trail, and bicycled across the United States multiple times.
Professionally, her career in the outdoors started as a Park Ranger. Most recently she worked at Gates of the Arctic National Park based in the roadless bush village of Bettles, Alaska. She went directly from the Arctic to the Antarctic where she worked for seven months at McMurdo Station.
Between the polar regions, Claire studied abroad in Beijing, China. In search of a longer-term international opportunity, she then lived in the Dominican Republic for over two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer. She would never turn down an opportunity to practice either Mandarin or Spanish. Stateside, she often visits her "retired" parents' active hobby ranch in Montana which she strictly classifies as a working vacation. Claire is slowly but surely working her way toward joining the Army as an officer to fly helicopters. The journey to this goal has been anything but direct. Stay tuned.