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Chelsea Behymer

Raised sea kayaking, surfing, and hiking on the Central Coast of California, Chelsea established both curiosity and comfort in her outdoor surroundings early on. After a field ecology course in California's Channel Islands exposed her to the dynamic roles people can play in social-ecological systems, she embarked on a lifelong journey to understand her place. Chelsea received her Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Biology from Hawaii Pacific University where she dove (literally) into coral reef research and explored the micro-scale connections within. Taking her knowledge from the research field, Chelsea has spent nearly a decade professionally communicating the big-picture implications of the 'little things' in variety of marine science and natural history topics onboard marine tour vessels around the globe. While traveling as a Naturalist, Chelsea realized both a passion for teaching and the value of lifelong learning opportunities that happen outside of a classroom. This inspired her to also complete a Master of Science degree in Environmental Education from Southern Oregon University, where she gained practical skills to facilitate meaningful experiences for learners of all ages. Chelsea is currently pursuing a doctorate in Environmental Sciences at Oregon State University. Her research explores the implications of volunteer science participation in marine tourism.

Interacting with people from all over the world in shared travel experiences has been one of the most rewarding roles in Chelsea’s career. Every day there is something new to discover together; she looks forward to exploring with you and seeing what the ocean and ports of call have in store!